I am a behavioral scientist at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research. I am the co-founder and research director of the Social Bee Lab. I am also a fellow at CBID at NYU Abu Dhabi.

I use lab, on-line and field experiments to study how social connections and group identities lead to economic inequality, as well as ways to promote access to opportunities and economic mobility. You can see my work (here) and my CV (here).

Also, I organize the Ethics, Experiments and Economics (3E) seminar series (see program) and coordinate the PhD mentoring group on experimental research at LISER. In May 2025, I am organizing the 15th Field Days Workshop - Experiments Outside the Lab, at LISER.



  1. Identity Change and Economic Mobility: Experimental Evidence. Games and Economic Behavior, 2024 (single authored)

  2. Promoting Physical Activity Among Seniors in Abu Dhabi: An Experimental Test of the "Forever Fit" Nudge. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2024 (with N. Nikiforakis, L. Alhyas, U. Afzal, A. Agiostratitis, E. Alfalacy, A. Dariel, M. Monney, E. Reuben)

  3. The Role of Personal and Impersonal Relational Contracts on Partner Selection and Efficiency. Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, 2023 (with E. Reuben)

  4. Experimental Evidence Shows that Negative Motive Attribution Drives Counter-punishment Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2023 (with N. Nikiforakis)

  5. The Limits of Transparency in Reducing Corruption. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2021 (with D. Parra, L.A. Palacio)

  6. Web of Lies: A Tool for Determining the Limits of Verification in Preventing the Spread of False Information on Networks. Scientific Reports, 2021 (with K. Makovi)

  7. Integration and Diversity. Experimental Economics, 2020 (with S. Goyal, P. Hernández, G. Martínez, F. Moisan, A. Sánchez)

  8. Collaborative Production Networks among Unequal Actors. Network Science, 2020 (with J. Dijkstra, R. Wittek, A. Flache)

  9. Equilibrium Characterization of Networks under Conflicting Preferences. Economic Letters, 2017 (with P. Hernandez, G. Martinez, A. Sanchez)

  10. The Bargaining Power of Commitment: An Experiment on the Effects of Threats in the Hawk-Dove Game. Rationality and Society, 2015 (with L. A. Palacio, A. Cortes)

  11. Heterogeneous Network Games: Conflicting Preferences. Games and Economic Behavior, 2013 (with P. Hernandez, A. Sanchez)

Working papers
Work In Progress

  1. Gender Bias in Job Referrals (with F. Moisan, E. Reuben)
  2. [Manuscript in preparation]

  3. Can Peer-Referrals Promote Take-Up of Training Programs: A Field Experiment (with. M. Acampora)
  4. [Data collection stage]

  5. The Impact of Health and Productivity Focus on the Demand of Sleep Training in College: A Field Experiment (with M. Suhrcke)
  6. [Design stage]

  7. Using Peer and Faculty Referrals to Promote Take-Up of Beneficial but Stigmatizing Opportunities: A Field Experiment on the Demand for Mental Health Support (with M. Acampora)
  8. [Design stage]